RFFE Protocol Analyzer and Exerciser


RFFE Protocol Analyzer and Exerciser



RFFE Protocol Analyzer (PGY-RFFE-EX-PD) is the Protocol Analyzer with multiple features to capture and debug communication between the host and design under test. The RF Front-end control interface (RFFE) Serial bus interface is emerging as a chosen for controlling RF frond-end devices. There is a variety of front-end devices such as Power Amplifiers (PA), Low-Nose Amplifiers (LNA), filters, switches, power management modules, and antenna tuners. It is widely used in mobile devices.

PGY-RFFE-EX-PD is the leading instrument that enables the design and test engineers to test the RFFE interface for its specifications by configuring PGY-RFFE-EX-PD as master/slave, generating RFFE traffic with error injection capability, amplitude variation, and decoding RFFE Protocol decode packets.

Key features

  • Supports RFFE2.0/2.1 Specification
  • Ability to configure it as Master or Slave
  • Generate different RFFE at full speed and half of full frequency speed
  • Error Injection such as parity errors and ACK/NACK errors
  • Variable RFFE data speeds
  • Simultaneously generate RFFE traffic and Protocol decode of the Bus
  • Timing diagram of Protocol decoded bus
  • Listing view of Protocol activity
  • Error Analysis in Protocol Decode
  • Ability to write exerciser script to combine multiple data frame generation at different data speeds
  • USB2/3 host computer interface
  • Flexibility to upgrade to the unit for evolving RFFE Specification

Files and media
