Protocol analyzer

A protocol analyzer is essentially a programming + hardware (in some case the programming is already embedded in the hardware), that can be used to improve their protection against hackers and malware. Moreover, it scans network traffic and analyzes the resultant data in order to identify network traffic problems and malicious breaches of it. This allows for real time analysis and troubleshooting of traffic aberrations and network threats. Alternatively, it can be brought in to handle a network breach and perform retroactive forensic analysis on it. It can thereby improve standard anti-malware measures, as well as provide protection and early or retrospective warning against more expert human hacking. To find out more, you can contact Pertech Embedded solutions


Protocol analyzer – several functionalities

Most up-to-date networks will purposefully limit traffic to the path between the client and server to improve performance and security. This is a key distinction between the network switch compared to the hubs prevalent in the early days of computer networking. The casual malicious hacker after your corporate data will generally balk at this simple technical hurdle. 


Protocol analyzers, are designed to overcome the more expert, dedicated sorts of hacking, improving response rapidity and effectiveness to such attacks.


Functionalities include:

  • Give you the statistics of current and past network activity
  • Identify weak spots in your anti-malware countermeasures
  • Alert you to network traffic spikes and aberration.
  • Alert you to aberrant packet properties.
  • Identify sources and destinations of given packets.
  • Enable you to define alarms for predefined threats. 
  • Identify packets containing predetermined data strings.
  • track bandwidth utilization over time.
  • Provide statistical display of all of the above.


Receive the assistance of the protocol analyzers professionals

From protocol analyzers to host adapter – we, at Pertech Embedded solutions,  will gladly assist you. 

More information

i3c protocol analyzer

A protocol analyzer is essentially a combination of hardware and programming (in some case the programming is already embedded in the hardware), that IT administrators and security teams can install in a computer or computer network to enhance their protection against hackers and malware. Furthermore, it scans network traffic and analyzes the resultant data in order to identify network traffic problems and malicious breaches of it. This traffic data can be analyzed and troubleshot in real time, monitored by an alerting tool to identify active network threats, or brought in if a network breach is uncovered to perform retroactive forensic analysis on it. It can thereby supplement firewalls, anti-virus programs, and spyware detection programs, as well as provide protection and early or retrospective warning against more expert human hacking. To learn more about i3c protocol analyzer, contact Pertech Embedded solutions.

i3c protocol analyzer – several features

The I3C Protocol Analyzer (PGY-I3C-EX-PD) is a Protocol Analyzer with multiple features used to capture and debug communication between host and tested designs. I3C Serial bus interface is increasingly favored as an interface for sensor connection purposes in the automotive and mobile phone industry. An additional advantage is its robust and reliable interface, compatible with future embedded data intensive applications – not to mention low cost.


The product features include:

  • Free configuration as Master or Slave
  • The product supports legacy I2C
  • Generates distinct I2C and I3C, HDR and SDR Packets
  • Variable I3C data speeds
  • Timing diagram of Protocol decoded bus
  • Ability to write exerciser script to combine multiple data frame generation at different data speeds

Tap into the future with top quality i3c protocol analyzer

We, at Pertech Embedded solutions, aim to provide advanced items and products for a variety of industries – including aerospace, defense, medical and more.